What is maintenance cost of solar panel in India?

What is maintenance cost of solar panel in India  Faults in solar power plants can catch building fire. This does not mean solar systems are...

Monday, March 9, 2020

Risk comes with solar systems

Risk Comes With Solar System




Solar is a growing sector of energy and jobs. Various worker health and safety hazards exist in this manufacture, installation, and maintenance of solar energy.
The people working in the solar energy business need to protect their labors from hazards
The people and labors also need to familiar with standard practice and precautions to protect themselves from hazards and injury
Hazards and Controls
Workers and peoples related to the solar industry are exposed to a variety of hazards,
Arc flashes burn
Arc flashes blast
Electric shock
Thermal burn

Accident can cause injury and death. Solar energy employers related grid connecting solar system
Required to implement the safe work practices and worker training requirements as per
Transmission and Distribution Standard,
The hazards are not unique and standard practice and standard guideline can cover it

Property Damage Risks Associated with Solar Panels
Solar installations are increasing rapidly because increasing energy prices and decreasing solar material and installation cost. Also government promotions, facilities, like net metering, PPA, boot model.

If you come under group’s category you need to address additional risks.
         Building owner
         Apartment or building owner
         Solar array seller 
          supplier or 
         Solar system installer
         Maintenance staff
         Others that require access to the roof

Photovoltaic solar system may rarely cause building fire s directly but the solar system potentially dangerous if proper installation regular check up and preparation not done.

This information for solar photovoltaic systems solar power plant thermal solar systems like solar water heater not included

However potential risk associated with both types of systems, but the PV systems is poses more risk than thermal.

Property - Solar panels can be damaged by fire, hail, wind, water and poor roof drainage.  The cost to replace these systems may be significantly high .   An emerging problem that may increase the fire hazard associated with solar systems.

Does the solar industry have solutions? Yes

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