What is maintenance cost of solar panel in India?

What is maintenance cost of solar panel in India  Faults in solar power plants can catch building fire. This does not mean solar systems are...

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

solar system maintenance and repairing

solar system maintenance and repairing

Does the solar industry have solutions for avoid the solar accidents? 


We strongly recommend need of familiar first res ponders, keep documentsolar system maintenance and repairing ation and testing reports update, check up total system once in year. Do at least visual inspection after 4 months Check monitoring data regularly, if differential observation found take immediate action. 

 We are working closely with installations across India standards installation and commissioning process.

And the majority of peoples ignore many important things during installations this not only supplier or service provider owner also involve in that.

Many people miss guide customers that are module clanging is maintenance and customers also give them AMC annual maintenance contract and service provider only wash modules.

Majority of people take into account only cost, many people finalize order only on reference, some people looking only in brand name Another most the popular thing is subsidy and channel partners the facts about subsidy, bench mark cost and reality of channel partner is another big issue and it cannot be describe in 10 to 20 articles so we don’t go in this matter.

In fact, very rare people first understand the system and look in the quality of BOM (balance of material), and standard practice

 Many people give annual maintenance contracts during finalization and supplier sent labor once in a year to wash module. These laborers don’t know anything about solar system they only wash panel and their job is over.

Our main aim is to save lives and property damage for that we start free emergency assistance in case of accident happens.

Come back to major discussion -During finalization order supplier give warranty of total system 5-year considering inverter warranty and after that fit solar system and forget it because inverter has 5-year warranty and panel has 25-year warranty and BOM balance material cost is considerably low comparing panel and inverter.

What supplier does?   

During material procurement supplier get inverter warranty 5 year and module 25 year from manufacturer

Place order to manufacturer or supplier and deliver panel and inverter material to the site, Give another installation contract to the contractor with material or without material

If BOM he has he put it randomly on site or asks installer to purchase locally Installer installs system

During this supplier mange grid connection inspection and testing and commissioning done.

Many suppliers don’t have any technical knowledge and for balance, material Supplier don’t know what specification he wants the blindly ask supplier like dc DB / ac DB for 5 KW, 10 KW, 100 KW and dump material. For wiring also there is no consideration or specification for a balance of material.

There is no design for system also the only inverter of specific capacity and module of equal capacity.

 only connect panel in series and match MPPT voltage range normally system start working on this and customer also happy with that because system start working and he get the benefit

   Now question is if accident happened who will be the responsible owner , supplier , manufacturer, installer,

We harpy to help people and increase their knowledge if you want any more information let us know we will give you total support

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