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Friday, August 14, 2020

Highest solar cell efficiency world record

 Highest solar cell efficiency World record 

Hats off to National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) makes world record of highest solar cell efficiency 

Reference:- News Release: NREL Six-Junction Solar Cell Sets Two World Records for Efficiency | News | NRELhttps://www.nrel.gov/news/press/

( NREL) National Renewable Energy Laboratory construct  solar cell having highest efficiency nearly 50%. 

The six-junction solar cell now makes the world record fo highest solar cell efficiency world record r conversion efficiency of solar energy at 47.1% under 143 suns concentration, and under one –sun illumination record 39.2% efficiency 

In the journal Nature Energy appears. 
Principal scientist said This device really demonstrates the extraordinary potential of multi-junction solar cells

To construct these cell researchers relied on III-V materials, Because III-V materials have a wide range of light absorption properties. The six junctions cell’s each photoactive layers is specially designed for capture light from a specific part of the solar spectrum. It contains about 140 layers of various III-V materials to support get output from these junctions. Material thickness is three times smallest than normal persons hair. Due to high efficient and quality cost also very high III-V solar cells mostly used to power  satellites  

To reduce cost reduce area is one of the way. You will achieve this by mirror to capture light and focus down to the point. Compare to flat plate silicon cell you can get hundredth or even thousandth of material.     By concentrating the light you use less semiconductor material. As you concentrate light efficiency goes up 

Due to fundamental limits imposed by thermodynamics it will not reach 100% efficient. But potential of these cells may exceed 50 % efficiency.   

The current is conducted through a network of thin wires from the middle of the solar cell to the edge In the front grid, then it is collected by a wire 50 µm gold. 

Sunlight concentration factor of 300 – 600 means for utilization in photovoltaic concentrator systems, the optimal efficiency of multi-junction solar cells must often be achieved between 300 - 600 suns, , the structure of this metal network is decisive Particularly under concentrated sunlight

Groups III-V material - known for their special characteristics of periodic table. When these material combine produce a wide range of energy band gaps that can be used in multitude of different electronics devices. 

Indium Gallium Arsenic are most commonly known combination used in solar panels. To achieve highest   efficiency  

The most commonly Six-junction solar cell highest efficiency 47.1 
known combination is Indium Gallium Arsenic are most commonly known combinations used in solar panel it increase solar panel conversion efficiency 39.2 % at sun concentration 


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