What is maintenance cost of solar panel in India?

What is maintenance cost of solar panel in India  Faults in solar power plants can catch building fire. This does not mean solar systems are...

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Solar System warranty facts and solar system accident

 Solar System warranty and solar system accident  

solar system accedentsसौर प्रणाली वारंटी और सौर प्रणाली दुर्घटना

The solar panel manufacturer gives warranty for 25 years as 10+15 /12+13/13+12 its vary as per ,manufacturer  this warranty offers by manufacturer for performance 90 % output for first 10 years and 80 % for next 15 years

Hear as another warranty includes that is mechanical warranty  of panel which is normally five years this means which is normally supplier not explore. However it means that if outer frame damage naturally within stipulated five year you will get replacement  but it is not possible normally because as excluding tracking system panels not move therefore were and tear will not happened normally and even it happen proving it is big task than getting free replacement.

Normally it happened due to external force it may be manual or natural and this will not include in warranty so proper mounting is important

  Panel / module have standards certificates as 

1) IEC 61724-1:2017 2) IEC TS 61724-2:2016 and 3) IEC TS 61724-3:2016

i) IEC 61724-1:2017(E)

This compile requirements measuring equipment or sensors, methods, and terminology to  monitoring and analysis solar system performance. It also use as a basis for other standards data collected, such as 61724-2 and 61724-3.
this  note accuracy for monitoring equipment and measured parameter data acquisition and quality checks, calculated parameters, and performance metrics.

ii) IEC TS 61724-2:2016(E)

This certification compile procedure for measuring and analyzing the power [W] production of a photovoltaic system with the goal of evaluating the quality of the PV system performance. by comparing power produced to the expected power for some sunny days. Minimum two three days

iii) IEC TS 61724-3:2016(E)

This standard test certificate stands to measure the energy production of a solar photovoltaic system and for comparison to expected electrical energy production under actual weather conditions for more than one year. A actual reporting period is of one year.

In this testing it covers performance under all weather conditions.

There are many  tests and certifications such as above witch pv panel compiles and then sell in market

Therefore it is difficult to prove his responsibility in accident and normally manufacturer maintain their standard they someone may compromise in construction material with it may affect both performance and accident possibility .

And most important their warranty Limited to module or panel only

If accident happened and panel burn it may refuse responsibility and replacement

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